Friday, April 27, 2007

Chapter 31 Face-Negotiation Theory

This theory is one that I found to be very interesting because it talks about different types of cultures and different ways of conflict management. I found it especially interesting because i was able to see what kind of conflict management styles i tend to use. Ting Toomy talk about "face" the image that we as individuals want people to see us as, and face management, the idea of keeping up with that image. She then talks about two different types of cultures, collectivistic and individualistic. I feel that many people may view these types of cultures as one being better than the other. I however, feel that they both are effective in their different ways. I tend to use this example a lot, but on my field hockey team we live in a collectivistic culture. We all have to make decisions for each other and need to think of our team as a whole and not just a bunch of individuals. I feel that this is important for any athletic team because if one person makes decisions only for the betterment of them self, than the whole team cannot continue as a whole. An example of an individualistic culture would be America. We are a country that allows people to think and act for themselves. People make decisions for themselves and for the betterment of their own lives. Along with this Toomy also talks about face management, the idea of keeping you self image up. When I think of this, the first thing that comes to my mind is when I came in to work late over the summer. I walked in and said that there had been a bad accident and traffic was horrible. By doing this, I am saving my face because I'm blaming my tardiness on traffic and not me.

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