Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ch. 8 Social Penetration Theory

In the social penetration theory we talked about the idea of breadth and depth (the onion example). The idea that we disclose things to one another in steps and that as you disclose more your relationships grow (closer friends fill up more of the onion). In my own relationship experiences I think that this holds a lot of truth. However I feel that there are some exceptions. The social penetration theory talks about de-penetration. It says that it is a "gradual layer-by-layer with drawl". Meaning that the less time you see a person or the less you disclose to them, the layers will begin to fade away and the relationship will no longer be there. I think that in some instances this is true. However, for me personally, I have a friend from high school that I can go for long periods of time with out talking to, and still have a good relationship with her.

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